

Media information

Your press or journalistic accreditation allows you to enter all lectures, panels, masterclasses and concerts throughout the festival. Breakfast, lunch and drinks are not included in the price, and for a place at the gala dinner, please contact: You can contact us at the same email address if you have questions, requests for additional materials, or interviews. Participants are responsible for making their own travel arrangements including hotel reservations.

Get accredited!


Food and beverage consumption is not included in the journalistic / press accreditation. For all information, interview inquiries or additional materials, please contact us at

Participants are responsible for making their own travel arrangements including hotel reservations.

Entrance to the festival will be possible only with confirmed accreditation by the HR Weekend team.


Although we try to determine the list of speakers and the schedule of events, “life happens” and circumstances are sometimes beyond our control. Therefore, all announcements of speakers and schedules are subject to change without prior notice by the organizers.


The contact and personal information we collect about you will never be shared outside of the HR Weekend . We may share information with our sponsors from time to time, but in all such cases this information will be completely anonymous.
By entering the premises of the HR Weekend , you agree that you may be recorded and photographed. You also agree that all materials from the HR Weekend may be used globally for promotional purposes of the HR Weekend.

All inquiries about Festival, program, interviews and materials send to mail address: