
How giants build AI magic

“How many employees will you have to fire because of AI?” the moderator Dina Hrastović, head of native at Telegram, asked, starting the panel discussion with a direct question. Her guests on the panel titled “Behind the Curtain: How Giants Build AI Magic” were Adrian Ježina, CEO of Telemach Hrvatska, and Joško Mrndže, director for the Adriatics region at Google.

“It’s a tricky question, but I’m certain some current jobs will disappear, with new ones replacing them,” Ježina said, emphasizing that during this transformation, it’s crucial to adapt to changes as quickly as possible; otherwise, we’ll face challenges. Mrndže noted that throughout history, many major technological shifts have led to the creation of numerous new jobs that didn’t even exist when the initial idea emerged and were once unimaginable.

Photo: Vedran Tomac

“We used to have just one TV program and one cartoon a day, and now we both represent companies that didn’t even exist when we rushed to watch the cartoon at 7:15 pm,” Mrndže recalled.

Ježina and Mrndže agreed that investing in AI is equally important for both small and large companies, as new tools allow them to more easily monetize their businesses and operate more efficiently. Both expressed optimism about the future of AI technology, which is already deeply embedded in our daily lives, even if we may not always notice it.

The AI.weekend audience learned that among the AI tools, the CEO of Telemach uses ChatGPT the most, while Gemini is the favorite of Google’s regional director.